Monstrare - Isfet

Dragon Flight Recordings

It hasn't been that long since the first CD of Vedisni was released at Dragon Flight Recordings and now Monstrare, a side-project by Vedisni's Cordell, releases the wonderful Isfet. The somewhat dominating white cover with greyish blue print makes the CD appear as being lightly digestible piece of music, but that's just a misleading gesture. The album contains 13 tracks of dark, brooding ambient noise.

The first track is one who could have been placed on an album like Hollow Earth's 'Dog Days of the Holocaust'; Slowly appearing and disappearing flards of fog, perfect for a lonely suicide jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge, just before the first cars pass in the early morning. And with this picture in mind, the overall atmosphere for Isfet is set.

The music is not uniform during the album. There is a lot of experimentation with sounds and effects going on which makes every track a joy to listen to and the whole never boring. It must just be said that the atmosphere remeins brooding with an desperate and very often close to aggressive undertone.

Time and again names that pop into mind are (early) Yen Pox, Necrophorus - the somewhat experimental side - and maybe even Law or TAGC ... To be honest, I don't know anymore ... It's, well, disturbing to say the least ... In a positive way that is ...

There is no comparison whatsoever with "Murderers and Architects" by Vedisni because that album unfolds the extremities of four persons as well as the compromise between them. Much more desperate in nature but thoughtful in creation, Montrare is just the mind of Cordell and my God ... This is one sick person ;-)
