Black Sun Productions - Im Gegenteil

Sheela-Na-Gig Sha-Na Penisring Ning SHEELA MOON CD 1

A small yet very tasty release containing four new tracks by Black Sun Productions. The tracks are a preview of two (!) upcoming albums being 'The impossibility of silence' and 'VENERATION X'. Those who never heard of BSP, these guys are the dancers / performance artists who joined Coil on stage (remember the men in the mirrors; the ghost boys?). It is not fair to compare BSP to Coil and I will not do so. But it must be said that the friendship and past collaboration between BSP and Coil is audible. But to say that's a bad thing? Fuck no !!!

'A Well Hung Monk' opens this release and right away we get a good view on what BSP is about. A solid composition, starting with minimal beats trancends into a soundscape based around a piano theme, aligned with very high, amost painful frequencies. If there is an inbetween in between two states of reality, it probably has this as soundtrack. The second track is called 'Clear Skies & Dark Skies' and this one is quite rhythmic. The wooden sound of the marimba in combination with flutes and drums makes it sound very ritual, almost ethnic in nature.

'God?' is the shortest track on this release and comes from the same album as 'A Well Hung Monk'. Nice rhythms with German samples "Ob es fuer uns einen God gibt?" ("If there is a God for us?"). 'Das Gegenteil' closes this way too short release on the new German label Sheela-Na-Gig Sha-Na Penisring Ning. It's again a track which is based on the ritual aspect of music. The best thing of ritual approaches in music is found in this track. You get into a certain state of mind and when suddenly a part of the music is cut, only THEN you hear what layers you didn't hear before .... Nice! It is from the same forthcoming album as 'Clear Skies & Dark Skies', 'VENERATION X' which I think will be very ritual in nature ...

And now we wait for those two new albums ...


And we wait ...
