MB + Land Use - Neural frequencies


A limited edition of 500 copies of a 3" CD. A relatively simpel packaging (three-way folded cardboard) with an impressive second collaboration of MB and the Dutch Land Use. Who does what isn't really obvious while listening to the recordings, and the description on the cover doesn't clearify this either. "MB: electronic frequencies, neural effects and Land Use: neurotronic sequencing and modulation."

Musicwise however, the little over 20 minutes are breathtaking and mindjuggling. Ambient layers are mixed with impressive noisescapes, the music definitly fits the description on the cd.

"Neurotic assemblage for electronic sequences and schizoid frequencies".

Minimal collages with deep impact; a good example of emotional manipulation through sound. 'Phase 1' is to prepare your mind for what you are about to receive. From the three tracks, this one is the most accessible. In 'Phase 2' the setting gets disrupted on ocassion with sudden eruptions of harsh frequencies, while in the final track 'Phase 3' you are guided towards an unsettling mood through means of a gorgeous piece of music.

These recordings were made in 2005 and only released just now ... Steinklang! What took you so long?
