Z'ev - Forwaard

korm plastics kp3029

Hidden between two thoroughly minimally designed 6 by 6 inch pieces of cardboard is a CD by Z'ev entitled 'Forwaard'. The fourty minutes of sound-art were generated by Z'ev with the use of sound recorded by Frans de Waard (known from his musical activities under the names Kapotte Muziek, Wander, Beequeen, Goem and mony more).

The result is a multilayered piece of music with many influences. It can not truly be labeled one style, allthough the website of Korm Plastics uses the words "a densely layered pattern of musique concrete". 'Forwaard' has many faces, which makes it a very worthwile release. It's part musique concrete, part droney ambience, part noise (albeit very, very subtle) and part experimental.

While listening to the music, you enter a strange time/space continuum, which makes the whole CD seem to be longer then it actually is. After several listenings, it's still unclear to me if this is because of the used sources, or the recoding and rearranging of sounds.

In Holland there is a saying 'Goede wijn behoeft geen krans' (a good wine doesn't need to be crowned with laurels) and that is exactly what fits this release. Don't talk too much about it, just sit back, pour a glass of wine and enjoy the sounds.
