N(8) - Trischen


It's weird to review so many releases from one artist in a row. That is also the reason why I spread out writing about them a bit. It will give wou the chance to check out the earlier releases I wrote about, and it gives me the chance to focus on some other things in the meantime.

Tonight it was time for a solid dose of guitardrones again, so before me is N(8) - who we in the meantime know as Helmut Neidhardt or the project with the N and the number - and 'Trischen' is his 8th release. Like some of his other releases this is also on Genesungswerk, a Dortmund based label on which we can for example also find the experimentalist Kallabris and the drones from Tarkatak and [multer].

'Trishen' is what we could expect from Helmut, albeit that this release is focussed on straightforward heavy, really really heavy guitardrones. The vinyl contains 5 tracks where side A has three of them, concepotually based on the north coast. Subtitles like 'Winter' (indeed cold), 'Gischtwand' (wall of spray) and 'Zweiter Tag' (the day after) already imply the "cheerfullness" of the album. No, it ain't for the weak.

Side B has two longer tracks and while 'Salzregen: Sturm' envisions rain and hail hitting against the coastal rock formations, the closing track 'Tangdrift' does what it describes: You feel yourself dwelling along the coast where fragments of seaweed drift around, sometimes touching the shore and somtimes taken back into the sea by the salty water.

The album is mastered for vinyl by Fear Falls Burning which emphasizes the nessessity for some of you to own this.
