Voice Of Eye - Primaera


Bonnie McNairn and Jim Wilson have been active under the name Voice of Eye since 1990. That is 20 years of ethinic ambience and ritualisticly approached concepts to be proud of.

This 3" contains an almost 18 minute track entitled "Primaera" and brings you an atmosphere you want to put into a jar and take home with you. But hey ... Maybe a CD is even better then a jar because it's sound! Lucky us!

As they so well say it themselves: 'Shamanistic' and that fits this track perfectly. But there is more to this one track ... Over deep layers of "just sounds" there is a windinstrument being used which gives the whole the idea of being locked in a cave, with natural reverbs and delays driving you insane. Not unlike the use of horns (?) in the early works from Brian Williams (like "Paradise Disowned")

Voice of Eye prove they are masters in the genre, while Taalem prove yet again they are a label not to be overlooked.
