Francisco López - Fango de Euriptéridos


Maybe Greece is having financial problems as a country, but it also provides a home for a number of very active and intriguing admirers of sonic arts. Recently I had the pleasure to write about the Triple Bath label and their constant production of releases. This time Agxivatein delivers with two releases from none other than Francisco López and Z’ev. Time to support our Greek friends and buy some of those releases, you know they’re worth it!

The release by Francisco López is entitled “Fango de Euriptéridos” and is a re-release from a cassette edition of just 50 copies. The original recordings are from way back in 1990 (which is over 20 years ago!), so this twenty-minute, 3″ CD-R will be a welcome addition to your collection, especially if you like to compare the old and the new and see how artists develop. My personal perception would be that Mr López is working in a much more compositional way on this release, in comparison to the more sonic creation he is working with now. But that is just a personal opinion based on a few releases I have and one live appearance I attended. As my collection is nowhere complete, I might be completely missing the proverbial nail. Nevertheless, the recording is well worth getting, as the atmosphere of his smothering, almost asphyxiating, sounds is very well registered.
