Vance Orchestra - Drek

Waystyx WR17

There is a new Vance Orchestra! And people who know me a little bit also know that that makes me very happy. Up until now the duo from Arnhem, Holland surprised me with each one of their releases with the combination of fieldrecordings (either manipulated or not), strange sound sources (which also make their live-performances an treat for ear and eye) and actually anything they can lay their hands on.

The new Vance has been released by Waystyx Records from Russia, who earlier released works from deities like C.O. Caspar, Contagious Orgasm, Merzbow, Maeror Tri, Bad Sector and Telepherique. And this is actually the biggest compliment Vance could ever get; They are finally (their first release is from '96) mentioned in a line-up where they belong.

The packages from Waystyx are always fenominal and offcourse this also goes for 'Drek'. Mars always turns the packaging into something special, so this time is no exception. If you think you've seen all possible CD cases I have to disappoint you and ask you to put this cd on the orderlist of the mailorder of your choice.

The CD has one long track, a little over 30 minutes, but nevertheless is seperated in obvious segments. You're being guided on a journey through somebody's subconscience, constantly manipulated by the sounds of which you think you recognize them. But - as usual with this kind of music - you're so wrong ...

That's all I'm gonna write about the CD and the sounds. Vance Orchestra has a big fan in me (for some time already) and hopefully there will be many more releases after this one. Oh yeah ... The 8.5 note is only because it has to be longer ... Muuuch longer :-)
