Svartsinn - Traces of nothingness

Cyclic Law 13th Cycle

The Canadian label Cyclic Law keeps on surprising me in a pleasant way. They were the ones to release for example Kammarheit, Karjalan Sissit, Sophia and Arcana. With these names you can already imagine a little bit what to expect and that is - how it's put so eloquently on the website - obscure ambient-industrial soundscapes. And instead of 'obscure' maybe 'nordic' could have been used too ...

On the website it says that 'Traces of nothingness' is the third part of a trilogy, with 'Devouring consciousness' and 'Of darkness and re-creation' being this CD's predecessors. Sadly I haven't heard those other ones, so I will have to review this CD as stand-alone. Is that a bad thing? I don't think so, because the symbiosis of drones, ambient, neo-classical and emotions on this CD is very, very strong.

In most reviews you hear me complain about ambient tracks being "too short" so just before the mood sets, you're being torn out of a trance. This album doesn't have that effect, even though 6 out of the 8 tracks are under 6 minutes. For me the most gorgeous track is the longest one ('Misanthropic odyssey') but in no way the other tracks are less because of the playtime.

'Traces of nothingness' is an instant classic. We will just have to wait until Svartsinn writes the fourth part of this trilogy.
