20.SV - Insects

Autumn Wind Productions

If your blood runs faster when listening to Daniel Menche, Namanax, Anenzephalia or Soldnergeist, keep on reading. This release will definitly be interesting for you.

Osman Arabi hails from Lebanon and he might well be the first Lebanese artist in this genre I've ever heard of. His style is described on discogs.com as "industrialized post apocalyptic noise", while his myspace talks of the somewhat more toxic "radiative frequencies". And both terms do seem to describe the music quite good.

'Insects' is a single harsh analog noise soundscapes with a lot of minimal modulations and extreme frequencies. As stated earlier, it reminded of some Daniel Menche but definitly also of the auditory brilliance of Namanax. The opressiveness also had some resemblence to works of Soldnergeist and Anenzephalia, though these acts are way deeper in their sounds as well as more structured in their composition.

The cover with macrophotography of a wasp - or a hornet - fits the music very well. Just imagine your head stuck in a beehive for half an hour. It comes close to this release.

This is 20.SV's second release on Autumn Wind Productions, to be followed by the re-release of "Apocalyptic Desert" in october of this year. And we all know that waiting is the hardest part, but at least I have this CD to put on 'repeat' until then.
