Fred Lonberg-Holm & Brekekekexkoaxkoax - Split

Cohort Records

Hmmm .... Where to start. You know, it's sometimes really, really hard to write a review. With some albums you know right awy what you want or need to write, and with other you can listen over and over and over again, and even after 30 listenings you're still staring at an empty screen, praying to find the right words. Or even the right emotions you want to describe, because even those aren't always clear.

This split CD-r by Fred Lonberg-Holm and Brekekekexkoaxkoax, the eighth is a series of split releases, released on Cohort Records (run by Kirchenkampf's John Gore) is such an album. It has four tracks, and it might be best to start with the fourth. 'Sorry!' by the ensemble Brekekekexkoaxkoax is a 27 minute piece with a normal set of instruments. Improvisational acoustic music of quite a high level for well trained ears (which scores a 7 on a scale from 1 to 10).

Counterpart for Brekekekexkoaxkoax on this split is Fred Lonberg-Holm and the first three tracks are his ... His art in this release lies in producing feedbacksounds with his cello. The text on the website says it's really complex and stuff, but ... This just goes too far for me, even though I am used to quite a bit. I've listened to the tracks with a total playing tome of 30 minutes several times, on different volume-levels (my poor neighbours) and my conclusion is that it's not my thing. And because of this, I will not grade these tracks, because honesty first, I can't say anything sensible about it. Just visit the website and check the samples before you buy the CD.
