Lull - Like A Slow River

Glacial Movements

"Every rose has its thorn" and in the same vein, every musician known for his deep beats and opressive atmospheres has a soft side. In the case of Scorn's Mick Harris, his soft side is Lull.

Lull has been active more or less since 1991. Compared with his output under Scorn, Lull's discography is modest, but despite that there are some releases on impressive and most appreciated labels like Relapse/Release and Manifold Records. And now on the also mostly appreciated Glacial Movements.

The intensely layerd ambient drones on this nicely packaged CD are cut into five tracks; Four longer ones in between 10 and 15 minutes and a short - slightly superfluous - final fifth. Descriptive code-words for these tracks could be spooky, guitar drones, ambience, deep, really deep and perhaps fairytales.

The titles will explain the 'fairytale' aspect a bit better: 'Whiteout', 'The Sheet', 'Treeless Grounds', 'Illusion Of Unbroken Surface' and offcourse the title-track 'Like A Slow River'. Descriptive stories of a world covered in snow, where footmarks of snowbunnies and a lost polar-bear break the absolute silence.

Yet another very nice release by a very nice artist. Good for swampy summer evenings which will melt the snow away and the river stream just a bit harder ...
