
Vilnius, Lithuania, is the home of Apport!, a small label with eight releases on cassette so far. According to their FaceBook page, they also are active in organizing concerts, so the description "label & lair of authentic experiences," as they so eloquently put it, covers it all.

The first release on Apport! for today is "Flow my tears" by NIM. Again a cassette with both sides the same; This time, five tracks, one longer and four shorter ones. The longest track (ten minutes) begins with heavily treated organ sounds. I suspect granular synthesis because of its stretched, pitched sound and warped flow. So when the voices hit the whole dynamic of this piece becomes alienated from what could have been a straightforward neo-classical piece. Instead, it's mesmerizing, weird, surreal in the best way possible.

The other tracks continue the path which was chosen in the first track. Vocals/spoken words are more pushed to the front of the mix, and they remind me of the introduction parts of Chris Morris' Jam. Those who have seen the series now know what I meant by the earlier mentioned 'surreal'. Those spoken word parts mixed with layers of violin sounds and drones and voices and ... And ... And yet still it should be labelled minimal experimental neo-classical soundscape.

"Flow my tears" is ИIM's first release and after this many more will follow. I hope. The promotional text from the website mentions this cassette was released in autumn of last year. It says, "Just listen. This is the best time to do it." But, any time is the best time. Believe me.
