The Hymns label recently crossed my path with the 3" releases by Heirloom and Landforms - both nice releases for an evening of listening to stuff while reading a book. However, this new release by Jesse Paul Miller, someone I had never heard before, is highly conceptual and definitely outside the realm of 'easy listening. But the concept behind it is so well thought of, I'll try to explain it...

An old vinyl served as the original, a mould was created from this vinyl, a new 'vinyl' in resin was created from the mould, with objects inside the resin, and this record served a source of these recordings. The sound is scratchy as hell. The object inside - a piece of tape in this case - might cause the needle to hang or jump, and listening to the recordings, I suspect that the new record was played and recorded and found its way to this release.

It reminds me a bit of the thought behind an absolute classic from the Dutch experimental scene by Vance Orchestra. They did something like that by putting a thin layer of silicone on top of old 78rpm records, where the silicone degradation slowly revealed the original recording, which dripped through the Vance Orchestra recording, of course, at the wrong speed.

The musical result of "Secret Record 160" is a hypnotizing blend of scratchy sounds/surface noises with incoherent phrases of classical music. Which album served as the original, I can't tell you because my knowledge of classical music is very limited. I did enjoy listening to it, even if it was this conceptual. I can imagine stuff like this serving as a sound source for others to even add another level of concept. If you are interested in plunderphonics and drones and don't mind a noisy approach, this might be a revelation to you.
