
With their 300 releases, I doubt there is any need to tell something about the Polish Zoharum label. They release a lot of music. Some known, some lesser known, some famous names and then some completely new artists. New stuff and rereleases, everything. So this time, there are two releases, one of which has quite a discography already, while the other is brand new.

Ampscent's "Nothing but the world" is also 33 minutes, but this one is sold as mCD, weirdly enough. Jacek Doroszenko and Marcin Sipiora are - like Brandkommando - from Poland, but this is only their first release. The three tracks on this one are 16, 6 and 11 minutes long, so there is enough space (ok, time) to generate an atmosphere. And with their key genres "industrial, noise, harsh electronics, ambient, experimental, techno," it can go all directions, so let's first just listen to a bit ...

( half an hour later )

Wow ... there is some powerful stuff here. First of all: the versatility of Zoharum must be mentioned here because this is the opposite of the other release. It's a mixture of the styles discussed before, and if this is only their first release, I am already interested in how these guys will develop themselves as artists. The 16-minute title track has a slow pulsating beat in the background and keeps evolving into an atmosphere. And it's exactly that. "Boiling Field" is an experimental approach to an uneasy feeling. Something is wrong, but you can't put your finger on it. "Side Loan" closes the release and, from a distance, is a bit more "formed" (I don't know what to call it - through the use of what seems to be sample-based sounds, it's more of a fully distilled sound, more 'grown-up' or so). Beautiful ambience / ambient piece. This is the beginning, "a longer release later this year" says the info-sheet. Can't frickin wait!
