
With their 300 releases, I doubt there is any need to tell something about the Polish Zoharum label. They release a lot of music. Some known, some lesser known, some famous names and then some completely new artists. New stuff and rereleases, everything. So this time, there are two releases, one of which has quite a discography already, while the other is brand new.

"1989" by Brandkommando is a project with quite some releases in his name. Admittedly, I hardly know anything, so this is a 'new' project for me. However, the info sheet tells us a bit about the subject. Quote: "1989 is dedicated to testimonials of history that took place in that year in Romania, when the oppressed community opposed the dictatorship of Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife, leading to the capture, quick trial and express execution of the sentence". I remember some of those events, but it was what mainstream media put out there. There was no internet, no alternative way to get informed about events. And the whole world was in a state of change with the Berlin Wall coming down and, let's call it, 'the end of the cold war'.

So yes, the tension of that time is well placed in this release, but with this kind of music, 'tension' is one of the code words to keep compositions interesting. However, the info sheet also labelled this release as being power electronics, and that's where I must put a few question marks. Power electronics, i.m.h.o., has constant throbbing bass loops or sequences and vocals that are in your face / confrontational in some way. Composition-wise, these tracks are more focussed on higher frequencies and noises, in combination with samples and a few vocal outbursts, so if I should label it, it wouldn't be power electronics. It's noise, proper noise, minimalist noise with a hint of maybe death industrial. The entire release is 33 minutes, and that's a bit on the short side to be considered a full-length release.
