Ant Zen
The cover is maybe not what we're used of ant zen releases, because this cd looks like a 'normal' cd, but it's my opinion it fits the cd perfectly. a picture, so blown up that the pixels are clearly visible and that what remains is the distorted view on the future according to hypnoskull. next to this, the booklet holds a story where the 18 tracktitles are imprinted in bold so you can place the several tracks into perspective. it all looks like a very organised form of anarchy. the story ends with "Nothing was left, for just some loops and rhythms, some destroyed sounds and soaring noises, broken beats and deathcore attacks" and here we have a very good description of this cd, but: this is the ultimate hypnoskull album!
Where the first one on ant-zen (rhythmusmaschine 1, 2) was filled with noisey layering over structured beats and the second was bouncing between the hypno-feeling, the tunnel-touch and the reset-ability, this album is patrick stevens as we've seen him on stage so many times. sonic anarchy with the impact that your brain doesn't know what just left your ass ... especially when played on a high volume, this cd will make the impact it deserves.
18 tracks with pounding rhythms, noisey sounds which become part of the rhythm and occasional vocal samples, of which two are accounted for in the cd-thanks. the ammount of tracks automatically makes some of the tracks shorter than you'ld want them to be. the playing time is mostly somewhere between 3 and 5 minutes, and with several tracks (a.o. 1 and 18) you'ld wish it went on and on ... oh yeah, and on ... damn, what more can one say after seeing the light ...
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