Crunch Pod Media
The shiny black surface of this disc contains a little over 54 minutes, divided in 3 tracks which are mere markers in one large soundscape. The CD is recorded live september 14 last year on KDVS radio in Davis, CA. And those are about all the facts next to the obligatory 'who are we' and 'thanks'. But do we - the listener - need more info? No, because this is an album which you should just lay in the tray, press play and put the volume just a notch up ... Open a bottle of wine, roll yourself a happy cigarette or do whatever you like to relax.
The CD opens with a declamation, not very easy to follow, because it's drowned by delays. But in this case, it doesn't matter that much. It's not what he says which is important, it's how he says it.
And the combination from that voice with the eerie guitar tunes, and the ambient sounds (sometimes reminding you of a muffled version of the BART-trains or the waiting on a BART-station in the midst of night) which over a period of 20 minutes go hence and forth, keeps you on your toes, eagerly awaiting what layer will "win" the struggle for being most audible layer of the moment. But next to that, it will bring you into another level of consciousness; The hypnotic guitar gets to you at a certain moment ...
And with that description, the whole CD-R can be described. Even though during the second part an analog synth is added to the layers and the third part opens with the addition of orchestral recordings. And during the whole piece the ambient noises occasionally develop a rhythmic behaviour. Very, very slowly you are drawn towards the end ... Personally I didn't find one dull moment in those 54 minutes; Not even when I play it twice in a row.
Okay, maybe bands like GYBE and Llips are better in using the guitar in droning sequences, but those guys probably make a living with making their music. But Imperial Floral Assault Unit is definitly a band worth to follow in the coming few years, just be reminded to the fact that they changed their name to '15 Degrees Below Zero'.
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