Stateart Avant010
Within the experimental scene I encountered several things which proved of having a lot of guts. CD's having tracks with a whopping two BPM (not danceable, yet loads of tension), extremely slow and little alterating drones which last for over an hour, but this ... This is it. 'Redemption' opens with three and a half minute of silence. The music then evolves to a minimal ambient soundscape with loads of glitch oriented analog gargling (which is positive in my opinion!).
Leak is an abbrevation for Lustige Elektro Akustische Klaenge (Funny Electro Acoustic Sounds). Their/his first CD 'The Old Teahouse' was released on Coldmeat in 2001. But i do think that Leak got a bit misplaced on CMI. In comparison to the hits on CMI (ISN, Coph Nia, Protagonist, ORE, BDN, Morthound, etc) Leak is quite experimental. Maybe that is why this CD wasn't released by them. But Stateart is a good label for this band; The aspect of soundscapes, noise, experiment ...
The second track however wouldn't be misplaced on a CMI release. A with loads of delay and reverb introduced feeling of loneliness slowly changes to a piece with bells, gong, metal and bamboo-persussion which would perfectly fit on the new Raison d'Etre. And at this point we're 30 minutes in the CD.
After a two minute intermezzo made of march-music en shortwave-radio sounds the most noisy track of 'Redemption' starts. An ultra-minimal auditory landscape is brutely cut apart by noise which could have been taken from Merzbow's Venereology. And all that just when you were completely sucked into de peace and quitness of the CD ...
The CD ends with a soundscape which - for an outsider - has obvious influences of Raison d'Etre, Einsturzende Neubauten and Lustmord. And from the emotional point of view I think they're right: A ritualistic start, metal persussion in the middle and heavy darkambient sounds in the end. A worthy track to end a surprising, very good album.
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