Various Artists - ...In The Crystal Cage

:ikonen: media ikon 02

People with an own record-label will know: It's not hard to make a sampler, but to make a GOOD sampler, that's a whole different story. As you'll find out during this review, :ikonen: media did a very good job.

'Crystal Cage' by Golgotha is a short but promising opening. Apoptose starts the real sampler part with an awesome soundscape, especially when the analog vibes get in. The sound is quite different then their first CD on tesco, which is the only other work I know from them.

Troum does what Troum does best. They offer a pice which is somewhere in between a drone and a soundscape. And with 'Deadly Orgone Radiation' Galerie Schallschutz gives the true meaning of what ambient noise is about. It reminds me a bit of a few older tracks by Andrey Kiritchenko under the NEX moniker. Gorgeous dark drones with sudden eruptions.

Herbst9 makes a soundscape with light classical influences. A bit more minimal approach to what they've done on other releases and LOKI label-mates Inade created a partial spoken word / vocal samples over erratic computerlike sounds and a noisedrone. The inner cinema in their perspective must be showing loads of old SciFi movies.

First Law has always been difficult for me. An advice on where to start on listening to their works is very welcome. 'Lost in Transmission' is a nice track with loads of analog noises and manipulated voices layered over eachother through probably shitloads of delays, but they cause a very nice effect. After 4 minutes it reasonably sudden changes but the track doesn't loose its strength.

I've never before heard of Shining Vril and wouldn't know exactly where to place them in the musical spectrum. Loads of weird sounds and a short vocal sample which reminds me of recordings from the ancient Crowley wax-rolls.

The CD continues with 'Gnosticism' by Drape Excrement. The track has a bit of gothic, choral influences through the voice-sample. Furthermore slow modulations in the noise perspective and it continues to build up towards the end ... Is that a rhythm? Or just a pulse? Very nice track, together with Apoptose and THO-SO-AA probably my favorite.

Analog synths creating a few intense layers with slow rhythms in the background, and even a bird whistles a little tune! This must be the dreamworld of Anenzephalia. A minimal 2 or 3 note sequence is spread over the almost 5 minute track. Personal I don't think it should be considered one of their best tracks, but it's definitly worth releasing at some point, so why not now?!

The heaviest noise / ambient related track comes from THO-SO-AA. Inspired by the short film "Sister Mine". Musically it's a bit like the Drape Excrement but honestly I like this one JUST a bit better.

Folk related music has never been my cup of soup. I've never heard before of Naevus or Pilori so I'll be completely honest about it and leave the description / review to others. I've never been into this music and I doubt I ever will. The only thing that I regret a little bit is that these tracks don't really fit in the whole track-order upto now, it breaks the atmosphere and that's a pity.

The final (very short) track reminds me of 'Le petit chevallier' on Nico's Desertshore album. It's short and nice but not really building to the album.

The subtitle is 'A collection of isolationist soundscapes for the inner cinema' and they did well. Actually: Very well. But why add folk-related songs to a soundscape themed CD. Twelve good tracks divided by a total of fourteen multiplied by 100% makes 86% score on being a brilliant ambient-noise sampler.
