Galerie Schallschutz - Montauk Project

Tesco Tesco 063

Where to start on reviewing this release ... Damn ... Once you listen to the album you will understand my difficulties. Let's start with giving it a note. This CD scores a well deserved 85 out of 100.

Very nicely produced electronic ambient-drones with loads and loads of layers to explore. On every system you play it on the recording will sound different and other aspects of the compositions will be accentuated. A good system will definitly add to the album.

The tracks are mostly aound the 5 minute mark and that is where my small personal problem is. It's just not long enough to get drawn "into" the track and really "loose it" (which I personally enjoy a lot doing).

Musically it will appeal to people who like strange industrial soundscapish things (think of the Lustmord compositions with the sounds of November Novelet).

Very definitly something to discover!
