Janitor - Qoumran 4-ever

Tesco Tesco 064

The third release of Janitor, the collaboration between Benny fron Hazard and Lina Baby Doll. After a 12" and an earlier CD on Tesco this is their second full-length.

The CD opens with 'Quomran Inflight' which is "just" a gorgeous introduction of what can be expected on the rest of the CD. Nice laidback rhythms and deep layers of sounds. 'Humanity' is a track which is carried by Lina's vocals and a minimal rhythm. The combination with the organic analog sounds remind you of T.G. or Coil and well, that's nothing to be ashamed of, right? *grin*

'Humanity' continues into 'The Need for a Holy Spirit'. The basics for the track are the same, but this time an epic, long, alienating soundscape is created. Lonely, icecold vocals in a sea of organic, analog, subtile noise. More subtile and less complex then for example Namanax, but the atmosphere is about the same.

'A Secret Hidden in The Golden Sand' can only be described as the same icey landscape, but then from the view of a ice-mountain (Titanic style). It found its way from to Easter Island. You are coverd in mystical sounds and ritual rhythms. With the extra melodies a bit more in the front this track resembles Morthound in their Spindrift period.

Lina's vocals are "haunting" and the fifth track 'Bridges' is quite a spooky one because of them. Being the collaboration it is (Hazard vs. Deutsch Nepal) this is maybe the most Deutsch Nepal sounding track of the release.

'Habelsbolet - Port Said'. Again one of those tracks that could have been from Morthound, this time combined with the the delays which seemed to be the favorite tool of Lina on his earlier Deutsch Nepal albums (early CMI & OEC). It only proves that this album is a must-have for collectors of any of two members of this collaboration.

Now, where is my repeat button?
