Lunar Abyss Deum Organum - Brusnika

Drone Records DR-77

The 7" starts off with glitchy sounds which remind me of the CD 'Embers' by AUBE (released on Ant-Zen, themed around the sound of fire), combined with scraping sounds. The combination strangely enough brings you back as if you were listening to the soundtrack of the Lord of the Rings. After two minutes a tapestry of soundlayers fills your aural spectrum ...

The reverse side is just as beautiful, if not better. Baltic lullabies in the background and a repetitive sound which slowly fades into the void.

This is Lunar Abyss Deum Organum. I re-read the name again so I know where to look for if i want more. And Lord, do I want more ... Two sides of a 7" just isn't enough ...

True isolationism!
