Mathias Delplanque - Ma chambre quand je n'y suis pas

Mondes Eliptiques

A seemingly simple cardboard cover, with a drawing on it. And as you slide the CD out of the cover, four cardboard cards also come out of it. The different shades of grey with the drawing stare at you, and you know you're holding something special ... But what? The drawings seem to be made through mathematical formulas on an XY-plotter. Variations on space and depth within a 2-dimensional field.

The music is from Mathias Delplanque who is unknown to most of you, but his activities show up more often then you thought. He is one of the minds in the collective called The Missing Ensemble whose "Hidden Doors" was recently reviewed on Gothtronic. That CD is Mathias together with Tamarin and John Sellekaers (Xingu Hill and others). So you just about know what you can expect from 'Ma chambre quand je n'y suis pas'.

*Bzzzz* Wrong. 'Ma chambre quand je n'y suis pas' is one big soundscape / drone from 45 minutes. Musique concrete, ultra minimal ambient layers, high frequencies ... All recorded during the silent moments (read: not too much audience) at a sound installation presented in Montreal's Studio Cormier in december 2004.

The second release on Mondes Elliptiques (The Missing Ensemble being the first) which turns out to be a side lable from the Canadian Angle.Rec (with amongst others releases from gkrzgl, Vromb, Visions, Aidan Baker and much more). It gives us very high expectations for the future and one more reason to visit Canada.
