Topheth Prophet
It's time again for a new release from the Israelian Topheth Prophet and this time the result is asthonishing ... The last couple of weeks this CD has been in my player over and over again simply because everytime I discovered new layers and new dynamics. Whereas some CD's are obvious the 2nd time around, this one is a little piece of constant magic.
This is a collaboration between the godfather of avant-gardistic noise, Maurizio Bianchi, and the quite active though still relatively unknown Maor Appelbaum. The latter is a member of the Israeli projects Poochlatz, Vultures and IWR as well as sole member of the projects Screening, Vectorscope and Plated Steel. And yes, there are even MORE projects in which he is involved ...
But back to this release. Titles like 'Synapse', 'Thalamus' and 'Hypothalamus' (all parts of what is inside your head) as well as a little knowledge of what mr. Bianchi is all about, make it obvious that it's not easy listening. These are noisey soundsculptures with a high production level, weird ambiences which definitly trigger your mind (as they are supposed to do).
There is actually a quite elequent release note to this CD. Written too beautiful to keep it from you. "The hydrocephalic meditation comes from discriminatory incoherences in the minimized environment of mediatic insubstantiality. This work provides profitable logicality to the futuristic aversions, subjecting the deprecated brains marketing to an elitist unpretentiousness."
If we translate that to proper English the result is "This CD contains some gorgeous crossover between noise and ambient and it will make you think. Buy it!"
You know what? He's right.
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