Nokalypse - Ocean of Inexistence

Triple Bath

Each person travels a musical journey on which he or she encounters many forks in the road. Nokalypse' biography talks about these travels and therefore his musical development. And this is cool, because many steps are audible in his music of which 'not afraid to experiment but still come up with a solid and harmonious release' is the best and definitly most valuable lesson he learned.

The five tracks are in length between 10 and 25 minutes and they were given mysterious names like 'Poetrig', 'Orgiellegro' and 'Aggrauche'. Each of the tracks is built from fragments which could be seen as shorter tracks on there own. These short tracks are also all very nice on their own, but through the combination of the tracks the whole album is definitly more then the sum of its parts.

The finalized product - albeit burned to CD-r in a very limited edition - guarentees a journey through various timbres of music; From ambient through influences from post-rock, classical music and experimental soundscapes towards rhythmic tracks and even filmic scores.

Nokalypse is Themis Pantelopoulos and this release is done on his own (new) label Triple Bath. This means that Themis did the distribution, production, graphic design as well as the music. And he did a good job on all parts.

On the website the tracks on this album are called sound-poems, and who am I to contradict this very well found description. A small last remarks is that there are various kinds of poetic schemes, and personally I'ld go for a bit more sonnet-structure instead of more dadaistic or modern poetic structures. But that is just a matter of taste.
