Heal - Starting back

Sound on Probation

The ultimate musical surprise of 2006 (for me) was the amazing 'Downfall/Disperse' by the Frenchman Laurent Perrier. I had never heard of the name before, but he turned out to be a member from the legendary French formation Nox, as well as the man behind Zonk't and PylĂ´ne. And so I am not surprised that this project - Heal - is another one of his monikers. If only for its high quality.

Heal can't be compared to the other projects mentioned before, but when you start listening, you will very soon admit that there is great quality expressed in the tracks and production. Musicwise you have to think anywhere in between a mixture of hip-hop, trip-hop, nu-jazz, dub, electro-pop and some IDM. Very powerful and inflamable if done properly, and guess what ...

Maybe it's a surprise that the album under his own name was released not long before this one, and both albums are so much unlike eachother. At first it made me think that Mr. Perrier just poops out album after album, but I stand corrected.

Heal has released one album before and it actually took him seven years (!!!) to release this next one. For a musician (like I am too) a definite sign of someone who sets his goals very high, because we're living in a musical era where it sometimes feels that the quantity of production is more important then the quality.

But as stated, do NOT worry, because '_starting back_' is worth it. the fifteen tracks take you on a journey through mental states, aligned through the use of french translations of movies.

The depiction of pictures in under five minutes each; A challenge taken and won by Heal.
