If you have any interest at all in experimental music, you will at some point have encountered releases from the French project Brume. Since some time, the mastermind behind Brume releases music under his own name, being Christian Renou.
A few years ago he completely surprised me with the '7 kisses' release on EE Tapes. So when I found out about this 3" release on Taalem I was very anxious to get my hands on it.
Mr. Renou is more of a sound organiser then a musician, and as I only knew that one EE Tapes release (where there is a lot of experiments and minimallism) I was very curious how he would handle the 3" format. This because - as an artist - you are much more limited by the time and the possibilities to create a tension span.
The result on 'Gone with the wound' is astonishing. Paddish drones, layers of experiments, crackling and vocals create a soundscape to forget yourself to ...
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