Two artists, eleven tracks, sixtytwo minutes, fourhunderdfour copies, one vision, one compact disc ... A new collaboration from our friends from Telepherique, this time with Flint Glass. Released on the Canadian .Angle.Rec. the album is proof that collaboration can lead to unexpected results.
Before going into the music in depth, the unexpected beauty lies within the tension of the gradual build-up of the album as well as the dynamics which follow this build-up. Read further and you'll understand.
'Kunsthirn' is a short one to open your mind; Just to let you know that what you are about to hear may influence your opinion on 'information'. What follows are deep analog rumblings, the sound of telephones, slowly swelling rhythms and voices and noises, which on their turn also slowly change into a structured behaviour.
'User protection' is the first somewhat longer track. Based on the same type of sounds as used in the earlier tracks, you can hear that here the tension really takes advantage of the longer playtime. English, German ... Chaos, just as ones safety on the World Wide Web.
'Dominance of digital' has a creepy intro, followed by - at first sight - incoherent ramblings in different layers. But as all digital behaviour is logic, the track turns out just fine.
The CD follows with 'Information burn-out', which uses the same "enter" sample as in the beginning, but a sturdy rhythm now guides you into a state of trance. It could almost be labelled something IDM-ish noisey thingy; Great atmosphere. 'Magnetic migration' and 'Fear of information' are in the extension of 'Information burn-out' and then it starts to really kick in!
The last three tracks on 'Information gigabit' are a fluent symbiosis of analog and digital, Germany and France, Telepherique and Flint Glass. All the beforementioned elements stay within the mix, but the power gets more and more overwhelming as the rhythms get noisier, louder and more impressive.
No more needs to be said, except: 8.0
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