Morc Records
Previously released as tape on the same Morc Records and in the meantime by the band sold as CD-r this is the third time the world has a chance to listen to The Iditarod's 'Kleine'.
Reading the websites and all other info on the web available about this -now defukt - duo, it seems they had quite a following and impact in the acid-folk / psychedellic folk scene. And indeed the music isn't too bad, but it's not very original either: Acoustic guitars and atonal harmonies" I read somewhere on the web.
There are one or two moments it reminds me of acoustical interpretations of Velvet Underground and/or White Noise, but those moments never become more then that.
The fact that all tracks are recorded live also implicate that things might go wrong on ocassion. And it does. The vocals are sometimes off key, which doesn't add to the accessibility of the release.
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