The Austrian Steinklang label is offcourse known for its oldschool noise releases and more rhythmical releases on ocassion, as well as its neo-folkish music on the Ahnstern side-label. The recently released "The Steinklang Picture Years 1995-1996" was a 4CD set which gave a good overview of some of the rhythmical and noise stuff. But with this variety we find it's not at once known what to expect when a new Steinklang falls on your doormat, which is what happened with the upto now unknown Indigo Larvae.
Quick research learns us that Indigo Larvae is none other then Stahlwerk 9. Definitly a well known name and I have seen him live (and make some good noise) at the Tonwellen Konferenz in december last year. But somehow I never had a chance to check his work out other then a few tracks on compilations (Steinklang Industries samplers and the before mentioned Tonwellen sampler). So under this moniker, it is the first contact I have with his work.
And my oh my, how good it is!
Deep layers of noise and minimal drones are being mixed with very slow rhythms. All finished off with a ghostly overprocessed voice talking of death, darkness and the emotions that are linked to it. The final track is based on lyrics from Dylan Thomas "And death shall have no dominion" which says it all.
This is music which is straightforward and very good death industrial, the way you could expect from Gods like Brighter Death Now and En Nihil. Not only for freaks, but also a good way for explorative minds to start investigate this genre.
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