Frank Rowenta - Klänge Siziliens


A mini-CD is an almost perfect medium. The just about 20 minutes playing time are enough to make you get a taste, but it always leaves you with a hungry feeling afterwards. It is possibly the perfect length to really work with tension musicwise.

'Klänge Siziliens' has a lot of concrete field recordings, often quite recognizable. Conversations, streetsounds, combined with droney layers probably also created from the field recordings. The release-info explains it: "field recordings from sicily mixed with some primed noise and tunes".

Musique concrete with an ambient atmosphere, but not true ambient according to the Eno-definition. That would be that the music would form a whole with the sounds on the outside (the ambience), this record is much more based on getting the outside in. Is that possibly the definition of 'field muzick'?

The untitled track 3 has guitars; Where do they come from? What is their meaning within the concept? And the untitled track 4 also has guitar or likewise sounds, but in this track they create - together with a violist - much more the feeling of a lonely musician on the corner of the street.

A streetmaker creates a rhythm in the background of track 6 and an additional deep droning layer opens up the track. The cherry on top in this outstanding composition is generated by a guitar theme.

'Klänge Siziliens' is a very nice work, though I have to admit it's not amongst the most accessible releases I've heard recently.
