The label Fieldmuzick releases 3" CD-r's and they do surprise again, this time with one long track "between reality and dream" by Mirko Uhlig, who is also known as Aalfang mit Pferdekopf. A minimal soundscape with the title 'The Rabbit's Logbook'. Might there be a link to the surrealistic environment of Alice in Wonderland's rabbit?
Instead of the seperate tracks on the other recent release on Fieldmuzick, here you can here that the seperate tracks are well mixed into one larger soundscape with a great tension build-up and a lot of different layers. Sudden surprisingly well fitting breaks in constant sounds, filters on the edge of falling over and symphonic phrases where they are not expected.
This is truly a magnificient piece of music, reminding you of artists like Raison d'Etre (especially 'Metamorphyses'), some Troum related sounds, maybe even (and this is hard to write but according to my girlfriend) some works by the [law-rah] collective.
The extra track 'The Sacred And Her Journey Home' - which is available as free download on the website - follows the created atmosphere perfectly which makes the whole release 22 minutes worth of incredible powerful ambience.
I will leave you with the label's description to make up your mind: "True traum muzick - concret sounds embedded in drones and tones point to the real world, but it's too clear - that is a dream".
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