Deserted Factory
The front of this CD has a killer rabbit with a big red cross and trippy drawings around it. In the back of my head I see the cover of the recently also reviewed Abandoned Child album. I suspect these bands to be related (checking the contact e-mails) allthough the website from both Recant as well as Deserted Factory don't fully confirm nor deny this. But for the ease of this review and because I am quite sure of it, I'll say they are.
The avant-gardistic 'Spirochete Fever' (*) has way more influences from Throbbing Gristle in comparison to Abandoned Child's 'Ascension', but as with 'Ascension', there are also a lot of influences audible from Cindytalk (check for example the vocals on 'Beautiful Hands') and other oldschool guitar noise bands.
The result is a very strong hypnotic work, mesmerizing vocals, soundscapish guitars ... Sometimes I even thought of the Braindead Monkeys in their most fragile and subsance abused moments (during the track 'Happy Flavor' for example).
Twenty-three tracks this album counts with titles like 'The intestinal subway', 'Disco days are over' and 'Oryctolagus Cuniculus'. Can you say LSD?
(*) Spirochetes are a family of bacteria which cause amongst others Weil's disease, Lyme disease, syphilis and relapsing fever. Nasty buggers :-)
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