Horus Cyclic Daemon
Horus CyclicDaemon has become quite known in a short time because of their absolutely fabulous artwork and 'Mvsic for Solve et Coagvla' by Ossaserpia is no exception. A book in A5 format with graphics by Madeline von Foerster, velum pages before each print for protection, an additional A3 poster with a text about the release, also in full-color print. If I was to give a note on just the artwork, it would have been a 9 out of 10 without any thinking.
But there is more to a release then "just" beautiful artwork, music to be exact. With this artwork comes a CD with 43 minutes of a mixture between neo-classical and avant-garde. It's not bad at all, but somehow it lacks a certain structure. Maybe it is overconceptualised (I am a dumbass when it comes to alchemy) but for a listener at first sight it's an album with 12 tracks, of which 11 are really short and one is almost 15 minutes. To read the text on the poster is okay to form a certain mindsetting, but music should be enjoyable first, and only then fitting within a concept.
Before you stop reading, don't get me wrong! It's not bad at all and certainly admireres of earlier HCD works like 'Lust From The Underworld' or 'AL: 100th Anniversary' should definitly just BUY this release. You will definitly not be disappointed, but I do have certain reservations to say this is 'thee' darkambient revelation from 2007 which has been said in another review.
But that's a matter of taste I think ...
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