Sometimes words fail to desribe feelings.
Sometimes feelings fail to make you function.
Sometimes you know you feel, but you don't know what exactly ...
While listening to the Italian duo Corpoparassita's album "Inesorabile" I am caught within the triangle created by the above statements. Which is a good thing when you are on the lookout for sounds that will grasp you. And these sounds do! I think ...
Nice deep drones and ambient layers, combined with minimal rhythms, voices, samples, strings, atmospheric sounds. "Inesorabile" has all the elements to function as a great piece of music in the background as well as in your face. But what it all is about is unknown to me. A picture of four rabbits carrying a coffin to its final destination doesn't really clear up things, and my itallian is way too bad to understand anything of the titles and the text on the inside of the poster this CD is packaged in.
It will definitly appeal to people with roots in the English as well as Italian avant-garde music. It might even be interesting if you listen a lot to the material Drone Records releases. It's not drone-music, but the basics are there. Slow modulations and aural movements, manipulated stringed instruments and ... Yes, I definitly think I like it.
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