Various Artists - Mandala Vol. 1


Three inch CD's. You either love them, or you hate them with ever fiber in your body. Personally I think they're genius because they're so incredibly perfect. Maximum 20 minutes of music and that's just enough to get you in the mood. If the content rocks, you are in a good mood and the shitty thing is you have to walk to the CD-player to change the disc. And if the music sucks, well ... You lost only 20 minutes so it's not all that bad.

This 3" has been released by the German label Ex Ovo who we already knew from the magnificent sampler "I, Mute Hummings". Mandala, 'a chinese whisper of drone music' is a 3" which very obviously fits the first category ('way too short, I need more'). Nineteen minutes of sheer heavenly sounds to dream away on a sunday afternoon with a mug of hot cocoa or a glass of realy heavy red wine.

This is a colabboration between Mirko Uhlig (Aalfang mit Pferdkopf), Feu Follet (Tobias Fisher from TOKAFI Webzine) and the lesser known names Keith Berry and Jörg Eger. According to the website Volume 2 is already in the making. But don't let this wait keep you from ordering this masterpiece on 3" for just 5 euro.
