Mirko Uhlig - Supper

Afe Records

Another Friendly Edition delivers Another Mighty Release, this time from Mirko Uhlig a.k.a Aalfang mit Pferdkopf who offcourse has quite an impressive discography already on Drone Records, Taalem, Einzeleinheit, Nextera, Field Muzick and many more.

The CD (sadly only a CD-r) counts 7 tracks whereas the cover only mentions 6. The seventh untitled piece is something different. An acoustic guitar as main instrument and it seems to be hardly manipulated as soundsource. Is Mirko planning a folkish sounding release in the future? The guitar has never been this straightforward in a track. Not that it's not good, because it fits the album perfectly.

The 6 other tracks are more drone-like pieces and there are actually 2 longer pieces which are both divided into 2 parts. The absolute highlight of this album is 'My Child Goes To The Surf' and it's indeed one of the divided tracks.

The title triggers the emotional perspective from which this track could have been written. In the first part you feel the waves being a new territory and the constant struggle to stay on the board. Whereas in the second part the child got the hang of it and catches wave after wave, not falling down anymore.

Yes, 'Supper' is a good addition to Mirko's discography and proves that he is someone to keep track of these coming years.
