Xedh - Vinduskarm

Triple Bath

Xedh is one of the names under which Miguel A. García presents his music. Since 2004 he released some 30 titles so the description on discogs.com ("one of the most active emergent figures in the scene of experimental music and sound art from the Basque Country") seems to fit quite well.

The nice thing of him - and many other artists with him - is that he doesn't limit himself to one label, so there is no need for him to limit himself to one particular sound or experimental process. Which at the same moment enables the high output again. Verato Project, TIBProd, Zeromoon, Slaughter Productions and now Triple Bath to name but a few have released CDr's, downloads and cassettes by him. So get on the net and get aquatinted with his sounds.

But, as this is only the first thing I personally hear from him, I haven't got any reference material. Though I also don't really need it. The Greek Triple Bath label surprised me in the past already with a few nice releases and Themis has an ear for worthy newcomers in the drone / ambient / soundscape scene. And well, Xedh is no exception.

Three themes on "Vinduskarm" are divided into seven tracks, and as a whole they form a nicely composed soundscape ranging from the watery sound of children's toys to somewhat more harsh sounding noise. At no moment it gets dull or boring. Here and there it would well fit the soundtrack of a movie, so perhaps we should file this one under 'cinematic isolationism'? It does clarify why García's work is also used for movies and sound installations.

An artist the Basque Country can and should be proud of, end of discussion.
