Chris Connelly - How This Ends

Lens Records

Two tracks with a total playing time from over 50 minutes.
Two intriguing soundscapes simply titled 'How This Ends' part one and two.
Two great artists to whom this album is dedicated: David Tibet and Gordon Sharp.

Who is this Chris Connelly and from what do I recognize his name? Firstly I remember @Cindytalk mentioning this actual release on FB and seeing the artwork it reminded me on my own CD 'Isolation'. But that was just the artwork, musically I never got a chance to hear it until it was sent to me as a promotional CD. And let me tell you that all similarity ends with that red shape on the cover.

The name might ring bells by people when we sum up a few of the projects he has been part of. These are - but are not limited to - Acid Horse, Finitribe, Ministry, Murder Inc., Pailhead, Pigface and the always awesome Revolting Cocks. And no, there is not one single part in this album - released by Lens Records - which would remind you of any of these projects.

The first of the tracks was made in collaboration with several other musicians. The before mentioned Gordon Sharp a.k.a Cindytalk is one of them, but we also see Sanford Parker with whom Connelly plays in The High Confessions, as well as Bill Rieflin who also is/was a member of Ministry, Pailhead, Pigface and the Revolting Cocks.

Music wise this first track is a composition of minimal noise in a combination with organic "real" instruments like piano and saxophone. The atmosphere is somewhere between the works of David Sylvian and noise acts like i like them: Gritty, minimal and still 'in y'er face'.

The second track is "only" 20 minutes and reminded me very strongly to the works of the Swans, for example the stuff you can hear on 'Soundtracks for the Blind'. Mainly because of the combination of guitar and vocals and the choir in the background. The noise in between these acoustic sounds remind of old C93 live-performances or maybe here and there a tiny bit like "Constant Shallowness Leads To Evil".

I don't know who else to describe this album. Are you intrigued? Gooood … You should be :-)
