3" CDR, https://hymnslabel.bandcamp.com/
"Slough" is the first release by the project Landforms on the Florida based label Hymns. We've seen more releases of Hymns in the past. They have a high standard of maintaining the DIY etiquette; CDRs in several formats, cassettes and even a DVDR and following the low-profile DIY standards, this 3" CDR is housed in a folded cardboard sleeve. It simply has a label containing information glued into it. That's all the info we got and where we go from.
So no, after a lot of searching (please include a bit more info for us reviewers the next time. It's really a lot easier to write about your project and help you promote things if we get a bit more info) it turns out that Landforms is Greg Hudalla. The tracks were recorded live on September 8 of last year, and for this, the Lyra-8, a Werkstatt, tape loops, and granular sampling were used ... Also, this 3" will be released at the Action Research #218 show on Saturday, February 26, 2022, at 4th Ave. Food Park in Gainesville, FL.
Two nameless tracks of around 10 minutes can be found on "Slough", which are actually quite lovely. Slow evolving soundscapes with a noisy undertone, feedback sounds that generate a string/pad feeling in the background giving the whole a harmonic sense. More to the foreground throbbing layers manipulating each other (the Lyra?).
This release is actually quite interesting ... It makes me long for attending live performances again. Even while "Slough" is a great listen and can be played any time of the day, experiments and live jams like this should be heard on proper sound systems where you not only hear the music but also feel the unheard psychoacoustics of it all. Compliments!
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