I leave my head hanging down a bit ... In shame, I had never heard of Gintas K before until this CD except for one single track on a sampler. And the reason why I love samplers (exploration time, finding out about new names) should have given me a hint towards this man, but well, sometimes, things probably slither through the net's mazes.
Gintas K hails from Lithuania, and he has been active since 1994. According to his Discogs page, his output is quite massive, so he will be researched further these coming years, especially when the promo sheets talk about his theatrical performances, Fluxus, experimental, electroacoustic & film music well, as sound installations. And when I read the added granular synthesis (one of my favourite synthesis methods), my musician's heart throbs more intensely.
"Lėti" - Lithuanian for slow - is a CD released on the Portuguese Crónica on which Gintas K had already released four albums and a few 'digital-only. The composition on "Lėti" is between two and seven minutes, and it's a lovely album to play in the background while you're getting stuff done. The titles refer to the atmosphere that's being created on the particular track. "Bells" highlights the use of a somewhat ringing sound, "Guitar" sounds like a guitar. Still, it could also be something different that's manipulated to sound like a guitar and "Ambient" is a really nice minimal ambient tapestry. So the titles are more like a reference than highly creative titles; Maybe that's a leftover from the Fluxus part where I've seen this more often.
The 'slowness' and heartbeat of the album makes it an album worth playing in rotation. Time goes faster when the heartbeat is slow, and maybe that is why I think this is a very powerful release. And for those who - like me - never heard of Gintas K before, this is a good starting point to start exploring.
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