Cassette, https://apport.church/ 

Vilnius, Lithuania, is the home of Apport!, a small label with eight releases on cassette so far. According to their FaceBook page, they also are active in organizing concerts, so the description "label & lair of authentic experiences," as they so eloquently put it, covers it all.

"Errant Throb" is one beautiful massive piece of work. It's all I wanted to write after listening, but review rules are review rules, so I just had to write more ... "Errant Throb" by Tiese is a monolithic noisescape almost tipping the thirty-minute mark. Like the other release on Apport!, the track is repeated on the reverse side.

Tiese is a collaboration of Antanas Dombrovskij (known as Gana2) and Vilius Šiaulys (a.k.a Lys), who have found each other more often in the past on and off stage. They know each other very well, which can be heard from their music. "Errant Throb" is as coherent as it is erratic, which - when you are a musician yourself, you will know - is really difficult. In the thirty minutes several styles are covered, and they're mixed with a real flow. It's not just "pieces of noise" with "pads and drones" as the glue that keeps it together. Each part has a function in the composition.

The general consensus of "Errant Throb" is non-rhythmic but structured erratic noise. Definitely no HNW, no real rhythmic stuff but a sort of coherent incoherence layered with stretched sounds, samples and more. From a distance, you can't notice anything about Tiese being two persons, the unity in the result is solid. This is one beautiful massive piece of work. But I do believe I've said that earlier, right?
