Does the Moving Furniture label need to be introduced to you guys & girls? Probably not, but in short: it's a label from Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and it's been around for quite some time. There are releases in several different series ("normal" ones, contemporary series and the Eliane tapes), and the founder is the man we also know as Orphax. The names on MFR are sometimes very well known and respected longtime artists and sometimes artists with hardly any previous releases but who are simply amazing. It's very definitely a label showing guts, but also with an excellent and massive catalogue.
So Sietse came closer and closer to his 100th release, and it had to be something special. And special it is... He got together a list of artists that previously released something on MFR, maybe with a few people he "just" admires and with those people (50), he made 25 couples. Those 25 couples were asked to make a track together of exactly 4 minutes and those 25 tracks found their way on this double CD. Imagine the logistics of a project like that. For example, the effort that has gone into making this all sound as perfect as it does (organization, production, mastering by the amazing Jos Smolders, etc). Because yes, it *is* that good.
A final remark which shows how beautiful Sietse is as a person, is that ALL PROFITS from this release will be donated to the Dutch Suicide Prevention organization. And if that wasn't enough, 15% of any order that includes this release will be donated. Some could translate that into: "Hey, I want to donate something to that organization. I'll buy a beautiful 2CD and support an important cause."
Of the twentyfive couples, one decided it needed a third person, and that's the track that opens the first CD; Martijn Pieck, Martijn Comes and Dante Boon. Their track knows a very subtle build-up, but it hits hard when after 4:00 exactly, it abruptly ends. Because yes, that is what this album is about. And because it's the first track, it's so confronting ... Some of the duos that worked together on this release are worth mentioning. How about Wouter Jaspers and Radboud Mens? Or Reinier van Houdt and Anla Courtis, Jan Kleefstra and Lasse Marhaug, or Alfredo Costa Monteiro and Mattias Petersson? You will think about most of those combinations: "How does that combination work out? How does it sound?" All reasons to buy this album.
I'm not going to go through all of the 25 tracks and describe them to you. It's experimental, drone, minimal, spoken word, ambient, soundscape, and still it's all very close together in the aspect of its unity. Fifty-one artists who made some incredible art. Two CDs that support a really good cause. One label is making a difference. Go! Buy! Now!
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