Behold, a Meta description if there ever was one: The music is broken - because it's Kapotte Muziek - it is created from mainly tape loops - hence the title - but the tracks aren't endless (even though while listening, you'll hope for it). The original cassette is now being re-released on CD by a label with Tapes in its name ... So yeah, I'm sold in advance.
Kapotte Muziek back in 1988 - a whopping 34 years ago - was a project where Frans de Waard created a home for his experiments. Those experiments were created with the tapedeck from his dad and a second one he borrowed from his neighbour. Loops all over the place, recording, re-recording, bouncing track... What a wonderful yet coordinated mess it must have been. I can only hope there are pictures left from that era that will, at some point, surface.
The CD counts seven tracks, four of which were released on tape back in 1988. "Metalle" and "Papier und Fläche" are two tracks almost touching the 15-minute mark, "Wiederspruch" and "Resonanz" are a bit shorter yet still between 7 and 10 minutes. In total, a bit under fifty minutes of droney, noisy, throbbing experiments has a really hypnotizing effect on the listener. The fact that they're noisy doesn't mean the "distortion" noise or "white noise" noise; They're erratic in nature, and it's sometimes just challenging to find the structure. And knowing that you will at some point surrender to the structure that *is* there, but what you might not have heard because you *tried* to focus. I love that kind of audio structure as they always relax me. The titles, by the way, refer to the sound sources used for each of the tracks, but none of the tracks is recognizable as such.
The final three tracks - a little extra for this CD release in comparison to the tape - are short "Collages". These tracks were recorded in the same period, using the same set-up, but instead of the droney approach, these are more collage type/cut 'n paste (with tape). They are also based on different sound sources, as I recognize some music/radio/shortwave types of material.
After thirty-four years available again thanks to our friends at Tribe Tapes. Thank you!
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