Split cassette, https://tribetapes.bandcamp.com/Another great batch of tapes from the amazing Tribe Tabes from North Carolina. Two short ones this time - C20s - but with some really outstanding material.
The first one to be played is a split between The Haters and Kadaver. The Haters fill their full 10:00 minutes with the almost painful "Pump-Powered Permawave (2021)". I suppose this should be considered HNW, which is mostly a type of music where the energy is high, and the variation is low. But I have a bit of a problem because there is so much happening here that it doesn't fit the '2nd rule'. Yet the energy is so incredibly high that ... Damn ... Fuck labels and descriptions. This is The Haters. The deep bass pulse and the nagging high-frequency tones ... Incredible track. Kadaver is Michael Zolotov, and his track "Venomous Agent" is different from the material I knew from him. The track has several layers of what seems to be bass-based feedback and noise. Well executed, and properly massaged into an uneasy feeling and a loving message in the end. We love you too, Michael <3
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