Experimental music is not constrained to a specific part of the world. And experiments, in general, are everywhere: it's a 'human' thing to think outside of the perspective we're given in our upbringing, environment or culture. The only thing is that it is sometimes difficult to get informed about what is all happening outside our little bubble of western influences. But thankfully, sometimes, the sounds of these unknown territories reach our side. We get to hear so many beautiful things ... One of the lesser-known continents where experimental music is made in Africa. Still, the best-known experimental group from this continent is South-African (and Tokyo) based Ellende (Dutch / Afrikaans for 'misery'). They also have a label called Smeerlappen (tr: Scumbags), and in the player are two 3" CDRs from that label.
The second release is a new project with well-known names, the before-mentioned Ellende and Frans de Waard, a.k.a. Modelbau. From what you just read earlier, my opinion on Ellende - or what I've heard of him/them - is that it's beautifully hypnotizing experimental structures, and I love it. And my opinion on Modelbau is no secret either; I love the building and tension in the mostly longer tracks: The combination or difference between ambient, drone, soundscape and experiments. One can hear the outcome, but the origin is quite often unknown. "Dweemoed" (I think it's Afrikaans for melancholy) is a 17-minute four music pieces release that combines the best of both worlds. Literally. There is the massive soundscapish approach of Modelbau, and there is more than enough happening in the periphery of the type of sounds we've found in Ellende's release. I am so happy I get to write reviews sometimes. And today is one of those happy days. What better sentence to conclude with than the words on the cover: "Het is laat en wordt alleen maar beter" (tr: 'It is late and only gets better'). Damn, even better.
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