CD, https://legendarypinkdots1.bandcamp.com/

We all know that Mr Vital is Frans de Waard and all of us (yes, you, too) have at some point heard his music. Being a reviewer since somewhere last year, we had a serious talk about how to handle reviewing each other's music, and during a few beers at dB's in Utrecht, our mutual agreement was "we both don't care as long as we're honest about it, because that is what respect is about". So now, even if you think so, everything we write is honest. Because taste might differ, and that's no reason to write down nonsense or lies. Having written that -, I've been asked about it a few times recently - This week, I got two new releases in my stash that included Frans de Waard.

So the second release I'll be writing about is a new project of three people that actually quite often gets mentioned in the Vital Weekly. Dynasti is none other than a collaboration between Frans de Waard, Peter Johan NĂ¿land (o.a. Distel & Trepaneringsritualen) and Edward Ka-Spel of Pink Dots fame. And lemme tell you, just like Roel Meelkop's "Rest In Space" (Vital 1374), this one is on the list for 2023's top releases.

'Vector I - Rotation' has a dubby feel over a tapestry of lush ambience, ending in the subtlest of subtle noisescapes. When the second track hits, I suddenly stopped doing what I was doing ... This is great stuff. And when "A Plea From The Pot" started playing, and Edward's voice hit the mix, I realized it reminded me of Coil somehow. Like the soundtracks, they did for Derek Jarman movies. The opening of "Vector II - Curvature" reminded me of the post 'Gold is the Metal' and the later heavily synth-induced works like 'Astral Disaster'. And again, that dubby feel towards the end. "A Ticking Tyranny" seals the deal and could be taken straight from a Jarman movie, maybe even his epic 'Blue'. "Diffuse" closes the CD with 12 minutes of beautiful droney ambience. I'm playing the CD again and absorbing every moment of the 44 minutes.

On Bandcamp, there is a little sentence "this small adventure in sound and narration blew a gap in the dark curtains to reveal a sunny day in the empty World out there" ... It's 11:30 PM as I write these words, and it's STILL sunny ... 
