It seems like not even too long ago, I wrote about Jacek Doroszenko and Marcin Sipiora from Poland and their project Ampscent (1375). The exact words were ‘This is the beginning, “a longer release later this year”, says the info sheet. Can’t frickin wait!’ And guess what, I was chosen to write about ‘that longer release’ because it’s the one I am listening to at this exact moment! I was anxious for this one because, of course, ‘if this is only their first release, I am already interested in how these guys will develop themselves as artists’, another fragment of that previous review. And I’ll start with the good news: they do NOT disappoint.
The total playing time is 41 minutes, so a tad bit longer than “Nothing but the World”; that is where my only sad remark comes in. Two of the tracks of that fantastic first mCD are also on this one, a total of 22 minutes of doubles, giving this release ‘only’ 18 minutes of new sounds, which is not a ‘full album’. So if you already got that first one, you will have to listen to this one before buying. If you didn’t get the first one and would be interested in a mixture of ‘industrial, noise, harsh electronics, ambient, experimental and techno’, consider this an entire 40-minute album and give it a chance.
Having said that, I am still very impressed by it. Don’t expect dance music in oldskool thinking, but a more soundscape-like approach like, for example, Orphx had on Via Mediativa. One or more themes are chosen for a track, and then the flowing and experimenting around those themes occur. And each of the tracks has its charm. Still great!
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