3″ CDr, https://innerdemonsrecords.bandcamp.com/

“March Them On” is after the self-titled “RDKPL” and “droloctronix”, the third release by Radek Kopel on Inner Demons. Each release focuses on and uses a certain setup, this time it being the SOMA Pulsar-23 without any additional effects. So sound-wise, it’s all as pure as it gets: One instrument, one take, no post-production.

Radek Kopel is from the Czech Republic and has been around for quite some time. The number of projects he has been or has been in is a long list, too long to mention as it would be all words available for the review. If I write Eine Stunde Merzbauten and Napalmed, it should be enough for you to understand who we’re handling.

The three tracks on “March Them On” are eclectic pieces where the manipulation of gates defines the rhythmic patterns, and the sounds that pass the gates are noisy, harsh analogue. Yes, it’s rhythmic in nature, but the constant factor is absent, so don’t expect any dance music. It all is a glitchy approach to what could have been dance music but on a way more experimental level. Where the first two tracks – titles are simply a date with an index number – leave a lot of open space and silence, the third track has a continuous rattling drone making it the noisiest of the three.

I can’t help thinking in the direction of analogue noise gods Orphx in their early days (even pre-Hands) or the glitchy structures that so far I’ve only heard from the other Canadian God Grkzgl (I finally found an opportunity to mention his name again!). RDKPL is someone to keep an eye/ear on. 
